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Can Landlords Charge Late Fees in Maryland?

by Oct 21, 2021Anne Arundel County, Anne Arundel Property Management, Innovative Properties, Property Management, Rent

Can Landlords Charge Late Fees in Maryland?

The Maryland legislature has recently passed a bill (Effective October 1, 2021) that will greatly impact tenants and property owners in a number of different aspects. However, one aspect that is crucial you be aware of is “Can Landlords Charge Late Fees?”. Now, that may seem like a question with an obvious answer. “Of course landlords can charge late fees. They can do whatever they want, can’t they?” Well, landlords can indeed charge late fees, but in a much more regulated and reduced fashion. This all falls under the Senate bill that passed titled “Concerning Rights Related to Residential Rental Agreements”. This is not a full breakdown of this bill. We will simply be going over a few highlights of the bill so that landlords and tenants are equally informed of their rights.

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Are you looking for professional property management services in Anne Arundel County? At Innovative Properties we specialize in turnkey property management solutions for residential homeowners and commercial property owners in the Annapolis Maryland area. Property owners can feel at peace knowing that Innovative Properties is managing their investment. We treat each property we manage as if it were our home and our core principles of honesty, integrity, and professionalism are at the core of each service we offer. Learn more about our services by contacting our team today.

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435 Fourth Street Annapolis  Maryland 21403

(410) 268-8400
